2022 Q1 Anticipated Releases

Happy New Year!

2020 and 2021 were very difficult reading years for me, not just because of the pandemic, but because I was adjusting to not being able to travel as much as I usually do.

Those of you who’ve been with me for a long time know that I am a complete advocate for armchair travel, and not being able to do actual travel kind of put me in a reading slump. Of course, I also had to do a lot of reading for work (comp titles and Carina stuff), but that’s not the same as reading for pure pleasure.

This year I am fully going to sort my reading situation out. If only just to justify my Scribd and Kindle Unlimited subscriptions, because they be taking my coins and I’m only using them three times a week.

I am particularly excited about the debut authors coming out this year. Some good stuff—most of it romcoms — and getting back into the groove of reading authors that I already love. I already let Kresley Cole write fifty ‘leven books ahead of where I’m at, I don’t need to be doing that with anybody else.

With that said, let’s just jump into the 2022 romance book releases I’m really excited about this coming quarter. Let the good times roll.

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